DUPONT Sylvain

DUPONT Sylvain

Directeur de recherche



INRAE Centre de Bordeaux Aquitaine 71 avenue E. Bourlaux  CS 20032 33882 Villenave d'Ornon cedex Tél : 05 57 12 24 33



  • 01/2012-présent : Directeur de Recherche INRA. Sujet : “Landscape functioning and micrometeorology”
  • 01/2014-12/2021 : Directeur adjoint de l’UMR 1391 ISPA (Interactions Sol-Plante-Atmosphère, 105 personnes).
  • 01/2013-12/2013 : Directeur de l’UR 1263 EPHYSE (45 personnes).
  • 12/2003-12/2011 : Chargé de Recherche INRA, UR 1263 EPHYSE, Bordeaux, France.Sujet : “Modelling of atmospheric turbulent flows and particle dispersal over heterogeneous landscapes”
  • 10/2001-11/2003 : Post-Doc UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research), détaché au Air Resources Laboratory NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) et Exposure Research Laboratory de US-EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA.Sujet : “Urbanization of the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5)”
  • 10/1998-09/2001 : Doctorant au laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides de l’Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France. Sujet : “Development of an urban soil model SM2-U for simulating the urban boundary layer at submesoscale”


Recherches et compétences

Ma thématique de recherche rentre dans le double contexte (i) du changement climatique et du possible accroissement des événements extrêmes (tempêtes notamment), et (ii) de nouvelles pratiques agricoles et de leurs conséquences agro-environnementales (sur la dispersion de contaminants et polluants par exemple).

Mes travaux se structurent autour de 3 axes.

  • La micrométéorologie à l’échelle du paysage : il s’agit ici de mieux comprendre et prédire la variabilité micrométéorologique liée à l’hétérogénéité spatiale du paysage et son impact sur le fonctionnement des plantes, les échanges plante-atmosphère, et sur la phase biosphérique du cycle de carbone ;
  • Les interactions vent-plante où la perspective de la stabilité au vent des peuplements forestiers oriente mes travaux ;
  • La dispersion atmosphérique de particules abiotiques et biotiques à différentes échelles dans le cadre des problématiques actuelles autour des OGM, des pesticides, de l’érosion éolienne des sols, etc.


Fernandes, R., Dupont, S., Lamaud, E. (2023). Origins of turbulent transport dissimilarity between dust and momentum in semiarid regions. Aeolian Research, 61, 100863.

Dupont, S., Irvine, M. R., Motisi, N., Allinne, C., Avelino, J., Bagny Beilhe, L. (2022) Wind-flow dynamics and spore-like particle dispersal over agroforestry systems: impact of the tree density distribution. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 327, 109214.

Dupont, S. (2022). On the influence of thermal stratification on emitted dust flux. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Dupont, S., E. G. Patton (2022). On the influence of large-scale atmospheric motions on near-surface turbulence: comparison between flows over low-roughness and tall vegetation canopies. Boundary-Layer Meteorology.

Dupont, S., Rajot, J.-L., Lamaud, E., Labiadh, M., Bergametti, G., Khalfallah, B., Bouet, C., Marticorena, B., Fernandes (2021). Comparison between Flux-Gradient and Eddy-Covariance dust flux measurements during wind erosion events. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 126, e2021JD034735.

Dupont, S., Argoul, F., Gerasimova-Chechkina, E., Irvine, M.R., Arneodo, A. (2020). Experimental evidence of a phase transition in the multifractal spectra of turbulent temperature fluctuations at a forest canopy top. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 896, A15, doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.348.

Fernandes, R., Dupont, S., Lamaud, E. (2020). Origins of turbulent transport dissimilarity between dust and momentum in semiarid regions. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD031247.

Dupont, S. (2020). Scaling of dust flux with friction velocity: time resolution effects. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD031192.

Yang M., Défossez P., Dupont S. (2020). A root-to-foliage tree dynamic model for gusty winds during windstorm conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 287,

Dupont, S., Rajot, J.-L., Labiadh, M., Bergametti, G., Alfaro, S. C., Bouet, C., Fernandes, R., Khalfallah, Lamaud, E., Marticorena, Bonnefond, J.-M., Chevaillier, Garrigou, D., Henry-des-Tureaux, T., Sekrafi, S., Zapf (2019). Dissimilarity between dust, heat, and momentum turbulent transports during aeolian soil erosion. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124.

Fernandes, R., Dupont, S., Lamaud, E. (2019) Investigating the role of deposition on the size distribution of near-surface dust flux during erosion events. Aeolian Res., 37, 32-43.

Kamimura, K., Gardiner, B., Dupont, S., Finnigan, J. (2019) Agent-based modelling of wind damage processes and patterns in forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 268, 279-288.

Dupont, S., Defossez, P., Bonnefond, J.-M., Irvine, M. R., Garrigou, D. (2018). How stand tree motion impacts wind dynamics during windstorms. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 262, 42-58.

Dupont, S., Rajot, J.-L., Labiadh, M., Bergametti, G., Alfaro, S. C., Bouet, C., Fernandes, R., Khalfallah, Lamaud, E., Marticorena, Bonnefond, J.-M., Chevaillier, Garrigou, D., Henry-des-Tureaux, T., Sekrafi, S., Zapf (2018). Aerodynamic parameters over an eroding bare surface: reconciliation of the law of the wall and eddy covariance determinations. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 123 (9), 4490-4508.

Poëtte C., Gardiner B., Dupont S., Harman I., Böhm M., Finnigan J., Hughes D., Brunet Y. (2017) The Impact of Landscape Fragmentation on Atmospheric Flow: A Wind-Tunnel Study. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 163, 393-421.

Boudreault L-E., Dupont S., Bechmann A., Dellwik E. (2017) How Forest Inhomogeneities Affect the Edge Flow. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 162, 375-400.

Yang M., Défossez P., Danjon F., Dupont S., Fourcaud T. (2017). Which root architectural elements contribute the best to anchorage of Pinus species? Insights from in silico experiments. Plant and Soil, 411, 275-291.

Dupont S. (2016) A simple wind-tree interaction model predicting the probability of wind damage at stand level. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 224, 49-63.

Albrecht, A., Badel, E., Bonnesoeur, V., Brunet, Y., Constant, T., Défossez, P., de Langre, E., Dupont, S., Fournier, M., Gardiner, B., Mitchell, S. J., Moore, J. R., Moulia, B., Nicoll, B. C., Niklas, K. J., Schelhaas, M.-J., Spatz, H.-C., Telewski, F. W. (2016). Comment on "Critical wind speed at which trees break''. Physical Review. E , 94 (6), 1-2.

Huang G., Simoëns S., Vinkovic I., Le Ribault C., Dupont S., Bergametti G. (2016). Law-of-the-wall in a boundary-layer over regularly distributed roughness elements. Journal of Turbulence, 17, 518-541. (PDF)

Kamimura K., Gardiner B., Dupont S., Guyon D. , Mérédieu C. (2016). Mechanistic and statistical approaches to predicting wind damage to individual maritime pine trees in forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45, 88-100. (PDF)

Dupont S., Pivato D., Brunet Y. (2015). Wind damage propagation in forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 214-215, 243-251. (PDF)

Dupont S., Alfaro S., Bergametti G., Marticorena B. (2015). Dust flux enrichment in small particles during erosion event and with increasing wind velocity. Geophysical Research Letter, 42, doi:10.1002/2015GL063116. (PDF)

Dupont S., Ikonen V.P., Väisänen H, Peltola H. (2015). Predicting tree damage in fragmented landscapes using a wind risk model coupled with an airflow model. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45, 1065-1076. (PDF)

Lagouarde J-P., Irvine M., Dupont S. (2015). Atmospheric turbulence induced errors on measurements of surface temperature from space. Remote Sensing of Environment, 168, 40-53. (PDF)

Dupont S., G. Bergametti, S. Simoëns, 2014: Modelling aeolian erosion in presence of vegetation, Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 119, doi:10.1002/2013JF002875. (PDF)

Pivato D., S. Dupont, Y. Brunet, 2014: A simple tree swaying model for forest motion in windstorm conditions, Trees, doi: 10.1007/s00468-013-0948-z. (PDF)

Chahine A., S. Dupont, C. Sinfort, Y. Brunet, 2014: Wind-flow dynamics over a vineyard, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, DOI 10.1007/s10546-013-9900-4. (PDF)

Dupont S., G. Bergametti, B. Marticorena, S. Simoëns, 2013: Modelling saltation intermittency, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 118, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50528. (PDF)

Aumond P., V. Masson, C. Lac, B. Gauvreau, S. Dupont, M. Berengier, 2013: Including the drag effects of canopies: real case large eddy simulation studies, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 146, 65-80. (PDF)

Dupont S., E. G. Patton, 2012: Momentum and scalar transport within a vegetation canopy following atmospheric stability and seasonal changes: The CHATS experiment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 5913-5935. (PDF)

Dupont S., E. G. Patton, 2012: Influence of stability and seasonal canopy changes on micrometeorology within and above an orchard canopy: The CHATS experiment, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 157, 11-29. (PDF)

Dupont S., M. R. Irvine, J.-M. Bonnefond, E. Lamaud, Y. Brunet, 2012: Turbulent structures in a pine forest with a deep and sparse trunk space: stand and edge regions, Boundary-layer Meteorology, 143, 309-336. (PDF)

Dupont S., J.-M. Bonnefond, M. R. Irvine, E. Lamaud, Y. Brunet, 2011: Long-distance edge effects in a pine forest with a deep and sparse trunk space: in situ and numerical experiments, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151, 328-344. (PDF)

Pimont F., J.-L. Dupuy, R. R. Linn, S. Dupont, 2011: Impacts of tree canopy structure on wind flows and fire propagation simulated with FIRETEC, Annals of Forest Science, doi: 10.1007/s13595-011-0061-7. (PDF)

Dupont S., F. Gosselin, C. Py, E. de Langre, P. Hémon, Y. Brunet, 2010: Modelling waving crops using Large-Eddy Simulation: comparison with experiments and a linear stability analysis, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 652: 5-44, doi: 10.1017/S0022112010000686. (PDF)

Fesquet C., S. Dupont, P. Drobinski, T. Dubos, C. Barthlott, 2009: Impact of terrain heterogeneity on coherent structure properties: numerical approach, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 133, 71-92, doi: 10.1007/s10546-009-9412-4. (PDF)

Dupont S., Y. Brunet, 2009: Coherent Structures in canopy edge flow: a large-eddy simulation study, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 630, 93-128. (PDF)

Heinonen T., T. Pukkala, V.-P. Ikonen, H. Peltola, A. Venäläinen, S. Dupont, 2009: Integrating the risk of wind damage into forest planning, Forest Ecology and Management, 258, 1567-1577, doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.07.006. (PDF)

Pimont F., J.-L. Dupuy, R. R. Linn, S. Dupont, 2009: Validation of FIRETEC wind-flows over a canopy and a fuel-break, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18, 775-790, doi: 10.1071/WF07130. (PDF)

Dupont S., Y. Brunet, J. J. Finnigan, 2008: Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow over a forested hill : validation and coherent structure identification, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 134, 1911-1929. (PDF)

Dupont S., Y. Brunet, 2008: Impact of forest edge shape on tree stability: a large-eddy simulation study, Forestry, 81, 299-315. (PDF)

Dupont S., Y. Brunet, 2008: Edge flow and canopy structure: a large-eddy simulation study, Boundary-layer Meteorology, 126 (1): 51-71. (PDF)

Dupont S., Y. Brunet, 2008: Influence of foliar density profile on canopy flow: a large-eddy simulation study, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(6-7): 976-990. (PDF)

Dupont S., Y. Brunet, N. Jarosz, 2006: Eulerian modelling of pollen dispersal over heterogeneous vegetation canopies, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 141(2-4): 82-104. (PDF)

Dupont S., P.G. Mestayer, 2006: Parameterization of the urban energy budget with the submesoscale soil model, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 45, 1744-1765. (PDF)

Berthier, E., S. Dupont, H. Andrieu, P. G. Mestayer, 2006: Comparison of two evapotranspiration schemes on a sub-urban site, Journal of Hydrology, 328, 635-646. (PDF)

Dupont S., Y. Brunet, 2006: Simulation of turbulent flow in an urban forested park damaged by a windstorm, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 120, 133-161. (PDF)

Dupont S., E. Guilloteau, P. G. Mestayer, E. Berthier, H. Andrieu, 2006: Parameterization of the urban water budget with the submesoscale soil model, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 45, 624-648. (PDF)

Mahura A., S. Leroyer, P.G. Mestayer, I. Calmet, S. Dupont, N. Long, A. Baklanov, C. Petersen, K. Sattler, W. Nielsen, 2005: Large eddy simulation of urban features for Copenhagen metropolitan area, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussion, 5, 11183-11213.

Otte, T. L., A. Lacser, S. Dupont, J. K. S. Ching, 2004: Implementation of an Urban Canopy Parameterization in a Mesoscale Meteorological Model, Journal of the Applied Meteorology, 43, 1648-1665. (PDF)

Dupont S., T. L. Otte, J. K. S. Ching, 2004: Simulation of meteorological fields within and above urban and rural canopies with a mesoscale model (MM5), Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 113, 111-158. (PDF)

Date de modification : 23 octobre 2023 | Date de création : 23 juillet 2015 | Rédaction : Stéphane Thunot