Animateur équipe BIONET





Bordeaux Sciences Agro, 1 cours du Général de Gaulle, CS 40201, F-33175 Gradignan, France.

INRAE, Centre de Bordeaux Aquitaine, 71 avenue E. Bourlaux, CS 20032 33882 Villenave d'Ornon cedex Tél : 05 57 12 25 23


Bakker MR. 1998. ‘Effet des amendements calciques sur les racines fines de chêne (Quercus petraea et robur) : conséquences des changements dans la rhizosphère’. Doctorat en Sciences du Sol, Université Nancy I.

Bakker MR. 2012. ‘How to get the nutrients into the trees?’ Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Université de Bordeaux.


Mes activités de recherche portent sur la biodisponibilité des éléments minéraux et prélèvements par des arbres et ou espèces présentes dans le sous-bois. Les modèles d’études sont surtout des forêts mono-spécifique ou mixtes, avec parfois des comparaisons avec d’autres milieux (prairies) et / ou l’étude des apports de fertilisants ou amendements sur ces systèmes. Les approches incluent l’étude de stocks et flux de minéraux dans le sol, des systèmes racinaires, de leurs partenaires symbiotiques voire de la communauté microbienne du sol.

Quelques publications

Bakker MR, Augusto L and DL Achat (2006) Fine root distribution of trees and understory in mature stands of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) on dry and humid sites. Plant Soil 286: 37–51.

Ostonen I, Püttsepp Ü, Biel C, Alberton O, Bakker MR, Lõhmus K, Majdi H, Metcalfe D, Olsthoorn AFM, Pronk A, Vanguelova E, Weih M and I Brunner (2007). Specific root length as an indicator of environmental change. Plant Biosystems 141: 426–442.

Bakker MR, Jolicoeur E, Trichet P, Augusto L, Plassard C, Guinberteau J and D Loustau (2009). Adaptation of fine roots to annual fertilization and irrigation in a 13-year-old Pinus pinaster stand. Tree Physiol. 29:229–238.

Epron D, Ngao J, Dannoura M, Bakker MR, Zeller B, Bazot S, Bosc A, Plain C, Lata J-C, Priault P, Barthes L and D Loustau (2011) Seasonal variations of belowground carbon allocation assessed by in situ 13CO2 pulse labelling of trees. Biogeosciences 8: 1153–1168.

Gonzalez M, Augusto L, Gallet-Budynek A, Xue J, Yauschew-Raguenes N, Guyon D, Trichet P, Delerue F, Niollet S, Andreasson F, Achat DL and Bakker MR (2013) Contribution of understory species to total ecosystem aboveground and belowground biomass in temperate Pinus pinaster Ait. forests. For. Ecol. Manage. 289: 38–47.

Brunner I, Bakker MR, Björk RG, Hirano Y, Lukac M, Aranda X, Børja I, Eldhuset TD, Helmisaari HS, Jourdan C, Konôpka B, López BC, Miguel Pérez C, Persson H and I Ostonen (2013) Fine-root turnover rates of European forests revisited: an analysis of data from sequential coring and ingrowth cores. Plant Soil 362: 357–372.

Achat DL, Bakker MR, Augusto L, Derrien D, Gallegos N, Lashchinskiy N, Milin S, Nikitich P, Raudina T, Rusalimova O, Zeller B and Barsukov P (2013) Phosphorus status of soils from contrasting forested ecosystems in southwestern Siberia: effects of microbiological and physicochemical properties. Biogeosciences 10: 733–752.

Achat DL, Bakker MR, Augusto L and Morel C (2013) Contributions of microbial and physical–chemical processes to phosphorus availability in Podzols and Arenosols under a temperate forest. Geoderma 211-212: 18–27.

Augusto L, Achat DL, Bakker MR, Bernier F, Bert D, Danjon F, Khlifa R, Meredieu C and Trichet P (2015) Biomass and nutrients in tree root systems–sustainable harvesting of an intensively managed Pinus pinaster (Ait.) planted forest. GCB Bioenergy 7: 231–243.

Andreasson F, Gonzalez M, Augusto L and Bakker MR (2016) Comparison of ingrowth cores and ingrowth meshes in root studies: 3 years of data on Pinus pinaster and its understory. Trees-Structure and Function 30: 555–570.

Brédoire F, Nikitich P, Barsukov PA, Derrien D, Litvinov A, Rieckh H, Rusalimova O, Zeller B and Bakker MR (2016) Distributions of fine root length and mass with soil depth in natural ecosystems of southwestern Siberia. Plant Soil 400: 315–335. 

Boulmane M, Oubrahim H, Halim M, Bakker MR and L Augusto (2017) The potential of Eucalyptus plantations to restore degraded soils in semi-arid Morocco (NW Africa). Ann. For. Sci. 74: 57.

Guignabert A, Delerue F, Gonzalez M, Augusto L, Bakker MR (2018) Effects of management practices and topography on ectomycorrhizal fungi of Maritime pine during seedling recruitment. Forests 9: 245.

Bakker MR, Udo N, Atlan A, Gire C, Gonzalez M, Graham D, Leckie A, Milin S, Niollet S, Xue J , Delerue F (2019) Explaining the larger seed bank of an invasive shrub in non-native versus native environments by differences in seed predation and plant size. Annals of Botany (in press)