Directeur de Recherche

Denis Loustau





INRAE Centre de Bordeaux Aquitaine 71 avenue E. Bourlaux CS 20032 33882 Villenave d'Ornon cedex
06 78 19 73 99 /05 57 12 24 15



  • Directeur du TGIR ICOS France depuis 2017
  • Directeur de Recherches INRAE depuis 2003.
  • Doctorat de l'Université de Nancy 1, 1984.
  • Licence, Maîtrise et DEA d'Ecologie de l'Université de Paris VI,1981.


  • Biophysique et biogéochimie des écosystèmes forestiers ;
  • Les cycles du carbone, des gaz à effet de serre et le fonctionnement hydrique et énergétique des écosystèmes terrestres.
  • Compréhension des processus physiques et biologiques conditionnant le cycle du carbone en forêt, la croissance et le développement des plantes, les flux et bilans hydriques et leur intégration spatiale et temporelle
  • Analyse et simulation les effets des changements climatiques sur le fonctionnement des forêts et leurs interactions avec les modes de gestion sylvicoles.


Modèle de fonctionnement des forêts GO+        Infrastructure ICOS


Encadrement de thèses

  • Taborski T. (en cours). Analyse du fonctionnement hydrique des écosystèmes forestiers. Université de Bordeaux.
  • Vezy, R. 2017. Simulation de pratiques de gestion alternatives pour l’adaptation des plantations perennes aux changements globaux. Ecole Doctorale 304 Sciences de l'Environnement, Universit2 de Bordeaux. Ph. D. : 270 p. Codirection avec G. Le Maire et O. Roupsard (CIRAD).

Post doc encadrés

  • Bosc (2000-2002), Post doc, projet CARBOEUROFLUX.
  • E. Pradel (2003), Post doc, Projet CARBOFOR.
  • A.S. Kowalski (2001-2003), Post Doc, Projet CARBO-AGE
  • B.E. Medlyn (1999-2001, Post Doc, projet CARBO-AGE
  • N. Jarosz (2006-2007), Post Doc, projet GHG-Europe
  • M. Dannoura (2009), Post Doc, projet CATS (ANR)
  • J. Kumari (2009-2011), Post Doc, projet FAST (GICC / MTES)
  • J. Gu (2010-2012), Post Doc, projet GHG-Europe
  • V. Moreaux (2011-2012, 2018-20), Post Doc, Projets Fast (GICC) et RINGO (H2020)
  • D. Achat (2015-2018), projet Evafora (ADEME)
  • D. Picart-Deshors (2014-2017), POST Doc, Projet ORACLE (ANR)
  • R. Aussenac (2018-2020), Post Doc, projet Forêts-21 (MAA)
  • E. Foltran (2021-23), Post Doc Projet BioSylve (ADEME)
  • A. Tang (2020-21), Post Doc Projet COVID19, INRAE-ECODIV.

Direction d'ouvrage

Loustau D., 2010. Forests, carbon cycle and climate change. Ouvrage collectif issu du projet CARBOFOR, Editions QUAE, Versailles, collection Update Sciences and Technologies, 348 p.

Publications récentes (2016/2020)

[118] Pastorello, G., …/ D. Loustau, ../ D. Papale ( 287 auteurs) (2020). The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data 7(1): 225. https://doi.org/ 10.1038/s41597-020-0534-3

[117] de la Motte, L. G., Q. Beauclaire, B. Heinesch, M. Cuntz, L. Foltynova, L. Sigut, N. Kowalska, G. Manca, I. G. Ballarin, C. Vincke, M. Roland, A. Ibrom, D. Loustau, L. Siebicke, J. Neiryink and B. Longdoz (2020). Non-stomatal processes reduce gross primary productivity in temperate forest ecosystems during severe edaphic drought. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 375(1810): 11. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2019.0527

[116] Jan-Peter George, Wei Yang, Hideki Kobayashi, Tobias Biermann, Arnaud Carrara, Edoardo Cremonese, Matthias Cuntz, Silvano Fares, Giacomo Gerosa , Thomas Grünwald, Niklas Hase, Michal Heliasz, Andreas Ibrom, Alexander Knohl, Bart Kruijt, Holger Lange, Jean-Marc Limousin, Denis Loustau, Petr Lukeš, Riccardo Marzuoli, Meelis Mölder, Leonardo Montagnani, Johan Neirynck, Matthias Peichl, Corinna Rebmann, Marius Schmidt, Francisco Ramon Lopez Serrano, Kamel Soudani, Caroline Vincke, Roman Zweifel & Jan Pisek. 2020. Method comparison of indirect assessments of understory leaf area index (LAIu): a case study across the extended network of ICOS forest ecosystem sites in Europe. Agric. For. Met. Submitted.

[115] Graf A., Klosterhalfen A., Arriga N.,Bernhofer C., Bogena H., Bornet F., Brüggemann N., Brümmer C., Buchmann N., Chi J., ChipeauxC. , Cremonese E., Cuntz M., Dušek J., El-Madany T.S., Fares S., Fischer M., Foltynova L., Gharun M., Ghiasi S., Gielen B., Gottschalk P., Grünwald T., Heinemann G., Heinesch B., Heliasz M., Holst J., Hörtnag L., Ibrom A., Ingwersen J., Jurasinski G., Klatt J., Knohl A., Koebsch F., Konopka J., Korkiakoski M., Kowalska N., Kremer P., Kruijt B., Lafont S., Léonard J., De Ligne A., Longdoz B., Loustau D., Magliulo V., Mammarella I., Manca G., Mauder M., Migliavacca M., Mölder M., Ney P., Nilsson M., Paul-Limoges E., Peichl M., Pitacco A., Poyda A.,Rebmann C., Roland M., Sachs T. Schmidt M., Frederik Schrader F., Lukas Siebicke L., Ladislav Šigut L., Eeva-Stiina Tuittila E., Andrej Varlagin A., Vendrame A., Vincke C., Völksch I., Weber I., Wille I.,Wizemann H.-D.,Zeeman M., Vereecken H. 2020. Altered energy partitioning across terrestrial ecosystems in the European drought year 2018. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 375(1810). DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2019.0524

[114] Moreaux, V., Martel, S., Bosc, A., Picart, D., Achat, D., Moisy, C., Aussenac, R., Chipeaux, C., Bonnefond, J.-M., Trichet, P., Vezy, R., Badeau, V., Longdoz, B., Granier, A., Roupsard, O., Nicolas, M., Pilegaard, K., Matteucci, G., Jolivet, C., Black, A. T., Picard, O., and Loustau, D.: Energy, water and carbon exchanges in managed forest ecosystems: description, sensitivity analysis and evaluation of the INRAE GO+ model, version 3.0, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2020-66 (accepted definitively as a plenary article of GMD 7/10/2020), 2020.

[113] Reyer, C. P. O., R. Silveyra Gonzalez, K. Dolos, F. Hartig, Y. Hauf, M. Noack, P. Lasch-Born, T. Rötzer, H. Pretzsch, H. Meesenburg, S. Fleck, M. Wagner, A. Bolte, T. G. M. Sanders, P. Kolari, A. Mäkelä, T. Vesala, I. Mammarella, J. Pumpanen, A. Collalti, C. Trotta, G. Matteucci, E. D'Andrea, L. Foltýnová, J. Krejza, A. Ibrom, K. Pilegaard, D. Loustau, J. M. Bonnefond, P. Berbigier, D. Picart, S. Lafont, M. Dietze, D. Cameron, M. Vieno, H. Tian, A. Palacios-Orueta, V. Cicuendez, L. Recuero, K. Wiese, M. Büchner, S. Lange, J. Volkholz, H. Kim, J. A. Horemans, F. Bohn, J. Steinkamp, A. Chikalanov, G. P. Weedon, J. Sheffield, F. Babst, I. Vega del Valle, F. Suckow, S. Martel, M. Mahnken, M. Gutsch and K. Frieler, 2020. The PROFOUND Database for evaluating vegetation models and simulating climate impacts on European forests." Earth Syst. Sci. Data 12(2): 1295-1320. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-1295-2020

[112] Moreaux, V., Longdoz, B., Berveiller, D., Delpierre, N., Dufrêne, E., Bonnefond, J.-M., Chipeaux, C., Joffre, R., Limousin, J.-M., Ourcival, J.-M., Klumpp, K., Darsonville, O., Brut, A., Tallec, T., Ceschia, E., Panthou, G., and Loustau, D.: Environmental control of land-atmosphere CO2 fluxes from temperate ecosystems: a statistical approach based on homogenized time series from five land-use types, Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 72, 1-25, 2020.

[111] Flechard, C. R., Ibrom, A., Skiba, U. M., de Vries, W., van Oijen, M., Cameron, D. R., Dise, N. B., Korhonen, J. F. J., Buchmann, N., Legout, A., Simpson, D., Sanz, M. J., Aubinet, M., Loustau, D., Montagnani, L., Neirynck, J., Janssens, I. A., Pihlatie, M., Kiese, R., Siemens, J., Francez, A. J., Augustin, J., Varlagin, A., Olejnik, J., Juszczak, R., Aurela, M., Berveiller, D., Chojnicki, B. H., Dammgen, U., Delpierre, N., Djuricic, V., Drewer, J., Dufrene, E., Eugster, W., Fauvel, Y., Fowler, D., Frumau, A., Granier, A., Gross, P., Hamon, Y., Helfter, C., Hensen, A., Horvath, L., Kitzler, B., Kruijt, B., Kutsch, W. L., Lobo-do-Vale, R., Lohila, A., Longdoz, B., Marek, M. V., Matteucci, G., Mitosinkova, M., Moreaux, V., Neftel, A., Ourcival, J. M., Pilegaard, K., Pita, G., Sanz, F., Schjoerring, J. K., Sebastia, M. T., Tang, Y. S., Uggerud, H., Urbaniak, M., van Dijk, N., Vesala, T., Vidic, S., Vincke, C., Weidinger, T., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Butterbach-Bah, K., Nemitz, E., and Sutton, M. A.: Carbon-nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation - Part 1: Fluxes and budgets of carbon, nitrogen and greenhouse gases from ecosystem monitoring and modelling, Biogeosciences, 17, 1583-1620, 2020.

[110] Fléchard, C. R., van Oijen, M., Cameron, D. R., de Vries, W., Ibrom, A., Buchmann, N., Dise, N. B., Janssens, I. A., Neirynck, J., Montagnani, L., Varlagin, A., Loustau, D., Legout, A., Ziemblinska, K., Aubinet, M., Aurela, M., Chojnicki, B. H., Drewer, J., Eugster, W., Francez, A. J., Juszczak, R., Kitzler, B., Kutsch, W. L., Lohila, A., Longdoz, B., Matteucci, G., Moreaux, V., Nefte, A., Olejnik, J., Sanz, M. J., Siemens, J., Vesala, T., Vincke, C., Nemitz, E., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Skiba, U. M., and Sutton, M. A.: Carbon-nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation - Part 2: Untangling climatic, edaphic, management and nitrogen deposition effects on carbon sequestration potentials, Biogeosciences, 17, 1621-1654, 2020.

[109] Vezy, R., G. le Maire, M. Christina, S. Georgiou, P. Imbach, H. G. Hidalgo, E. J. Alfaro, C. Blitz-Frayret, F. Charbonnier, P. Lehner, D. Loustau and O. Roupsard (2020). DynACof: A process-based model to study growth, yield and ecosystem services of coffee agroforestry systems. Environmental Modelling & Software 124. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.104609

[108] Deirmendjian, L., P. Anschutz, C. Morel, A. Mollier, L. Augusto, D. Loustau, L. C. Cotovicz, D. Buquet, K. Lajaunie, G. Chaillou, B. Voltz, C. Charbonnier, D. Poirier and G. Abril (2019). "Importance of the vegetation-groundwater-stream continuum to understand transformation of biogenic carbon in aquatic systems --- A case study based on a pine-maize comparison in a lowland sandy watershed (Landes de Gascogne, SW France). Science of The Total Environment 661: 613-629.

[107] Arrouays, D., Saby, N. P., Boukir, H., Jolivet, C., Ratié, C., Schrumpf, M., Merbold, L., Gielen, B., Gogo, S., Delpierre, N., Vincent, G., Klumpp, K., Loustau, D. (2018). Soil sampling and preparation for monitoring soil carbon. International Agrophysics, 32 (4), 633-643. , DOI : 10.1515/intag-2017-0047 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/455616

[106] Gielen, B., M. Acosta, N. Altimir, N. Buchmann, A. Cescatte, E. Ceschia, S. Fleck, L. Hortnagal, K. Klumpp, P. Kolari, A. Lohile, D. Loustau, S. Maranon-Jimenez, L. Manisp, G. Matteucci, L. Merbold, C. Metzger, C. Moureaux, L. Montagnani, M. B. Nilsson, B. Osborne, D. Papale, M. Pavelka, M. Saunders, G. Simioni, K. Soudani, O. Sonnentag, T. Tallec, E. S. Tuittila, M. Peichl, R. Pokorny, C. Vincke and G. Wohljahrt (2018). "Ancillary vegetation measurements at ICOS ecosystem stations." International Agrophysics 32(4): 645-664.

[105] Al-Yaari, A., Dayau, S., Chipeaux, C., Aluome, C., Kruszewski, A., Loustau, D., Wigneron, J.-P. (2018). The AQUI soil moisture network for satellite microwave remote sensing validation in south-western France. Remote Sensing , 10 (11), 1-22. , DOI : 10.3390/rs10111839 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/456232

[104] Rebmann, C., M. Aubinet, H. Schmid, N. Arriga, M. Aurela, G. Burba, R. Clement, A. De Ligne, G. Fratini, B. Gielen, J. Grace, A. Graf, P. Gross, S. Haapanala, M. Herbst, L. Hortnagl, A. Ibrom, L. Joly, N. Kljun, O. Kolle, A. Kowalski, A. Lindroth, D. Loustau, I. Mammarella, M. Mauder, L. Merbold, S. Metzger, M. Molder, L. Montagnani, D. Papale, M. Pavelka, M. Peichl, M. Roland, P. Serrano-Ortiz, L. Siebicke, R. Steinbrecher, J. P. Tuovinen, T. Vesala, G. Wohlfahrt and D. Franz (2018). "ICOS eddy covariance flux-station site setup: a review." International Agrophysics 32(4): 471-+.

[103] Loustau, D., N. Altimir, M. Barbaste, B. Gielen, S. M. Jimenez, K. Klumpp, S. Linder, G. Matteucci, L. Merbold, M. Op de Beek, P. Soule, A. Thimonier, C. Vincke and P. Waldner (2018). "Sampling and collecting foliage elements for the determination of the foliar nutrients in ICOS ecosystem stations." International Agrophysics 32(4): 665-+.

[102] Achat, D., Martel, S., Deshors-Picart, D., Moisy, C., Augusto, L., Bakker, M. R., Loustau, D. (2018). Modelling the nutrient cost of biomass harvesting under different silvicultural and climate scenarios in production forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 429, 642-653. , DOI : 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.06.047 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/442601

[101] Deirmendjian, L., Loustau, D., Augusto, L., Lafont, S., Chipeaux, C., Poirier, Abril, G. (2018). Hydro-ecological controls on dissolved carbon dynamics in groundwater and export to streams in a temperate pine forest. Biogeosciences, 15 (2), 669-691. , DOI : 10.5194/bg-15-669-2018 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/423302

[100] Vezy, R., Christina, M., Rouspard, O., Nouvellon, Y., Duursma, R. A., Medlyn, Soma, M., Charbonnier, F., Blitz-Frayret, C., Stape, J.-L., Laclau, J.-P., de Melo Virginio Filho, E., Bonnefond, J.-M., Rapidel, B., Do, F., Rocheteau, a., Deshors-Picart, D., Borgonovo, C., Loustau, D., Le Maire, G. (2018). Measuring and modelling energy partitioning in canopies of varying complexity using MAESPA model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 253-254, 203-217. , DOI : 10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.02.005 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/427646

[99] Fernández-Martínez, M., Vicca, S., Janssens, I. A., Ciais, P., Obersteiner, M., Bartrons, M., Sardans, J., Verger, A., Canadell, J. G., Chevallier, F., Wang, X., Bernhofer, C., Curtis, P. S., Gianelle, D., Grünwald, T., Heinesch, B., Ibrom, A., Knohl, A., Laurila, T., Law, B. E., Limousin, J. M., Longdoz, B., Loustau, D., Mammarella, I., Matteucci, G., Monson, R. K., Montagnani, L., Moors, E. J., Munger, J. W., Papale, D., Piao, S. L., Peñuelas, J. (2017). Atmospheric deposition, CO2, and change in the land carbon sink. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 1-13. , DOI : 10.1038/s41598-017-08755-8 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/408115

[98] Musavi, T., Migliavacca, M., Reichstein, M., Kattge, J., Wirth, C., Black, T. A., Janssens, I., Knohl, A., Loustau, D., Roupsard, O., Varlagin, A., Rambal, S., Cescatti, A., Gianelle, D., Kondo, H., Tamrakar, R., Mahecha, M. D. (2017). Stand age and species richness dampen interannual variation of ecosystem-level photosynthetic capacity. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1 (2), 1-6. , DOI : 10.1038/s41559-016-0048 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/385935

[97] Thum, T., MacBean, N., Peylin, Bacour, C., Santaren, Longdoz, B., Loustau, D., Ciais (2017). The potential benefit of using forest biomass data in addition to carbon and water flux measurements to constrain ecosystem model parameters: Case studies at two temperate forest sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 234-235, 48-65. , DOI : 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.12.004 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/391160

[96] Achat, D., Augusto, L., Gallet-Budynek, A., Loustau, D. (2016). Future challenges in coupled C–N–P cycle models for terrestrial ecosystems under global change: a review. Biogeochemistry, 131 (1-2), 173-202. , DOI : 10.1007/s10533-016-0274-9 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/381255

[95] Albaugh, T. J., Albaugh, J. M., Fox, T. R., Allen, H. L., Rubilar, R. A., Trichet, P., Loustau, D., Linder, S. (2016). Tamm Review: Light use efficiency and carbon storage in nutrient and water experiments on major forest plantation species. Forest Ecology and Management, 376, 333-342. , DOI : 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.05.031http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/358897

[94] Aubinet, M., Joly, L., Loustau, D., De Ligne, A., Chopin, H., Cousin, J., Chauvin, N., De Carpenterie, T., Gross, P. (2016). Dimensioning IRGA gas sampling system: laboratory and field experiments. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 1361-1367. , DOI : 10.5194/amt-9-1361-2016 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/346845

[93] Chen, Y., Ryder, J., Bastrikov, V., McGrath, M. J., Naudts, K., Otto, J., Ottlé, C., Peylin, P., Polcher, J., Valade, A., Black, A., Elbers, J. A., Moors, E., Foken, T., van Gorsel, E., Haverd, V., Heinesch, B., Tiedemann, F., Knohl, A., Launiainen, S., Loustau, D., Ogée, J., Vesala, T., Luyssaert, S. (2016). Evaluating the performance of the land surface model ORCHIDEE-CAN on water and energy flux estimation with a single- and a multi- layer energy budget scheme. Geoscientific Model Development , 9 (9), 2951-2972. , DOI : 10.5194/gmd-9-2951-2016 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/351560

Date de modification : 23 octobre 2023 | Date de création : 28 avril 2015 | Rédaction : Stéphane Thunot